Mon 27 Jan
Available Now & All Night! Sweet & Petite Cute Blondie Treat! 614.947.9624! - 30
(Columbus, Polaris)
~Beautiful, petite, brunette small town girl NEW to the big city!~ - 22
(Columbus, dublin grandville 161)
~Beautiful, hazel eyed, Jade, ,totally new to b.p. - 22
(Columbus, North-incall or outcall! Morse&Sinclair;)
!!!!ATTENTION!!! Search No More!! 1 Click Away From True Satisfaction!!! Guaranteed - 26
(Columbus, Grove City Incall / CBus Outcall)
***~Beautiful** Blonde Ms.RAE' IS BACK AND READY FOR YOU~*** - 21
(Columbus, North Columbus- incalls)
💋💓 Be MiNe THiS VaLenTiNe'S 🏩🍓 Pretty PeTiTe Princess❤️💝 614-286-8705 👠💅🏼 I'm YOURS 👸🏻👄 GeT LoVe❤️💓 - 21
(Columbus, 👸🏼 Brice Road 💋VIDEO OF ME TODAY 💃🏻)
!!!! Beautiful Bona fide Bombshell KAMBRY wants your company !!!! (Special TUESDAY- $80) - 26
(Columbus, NORTH /270 & Cleveland Ave)
£__¥___Athena Available Always___¥__£ ***** don't wait***** specials***** - 25
(Columbus, west/ in call only)
BEAUTIFUL CLASSY Romanian Girl 20 YRS OLD W/ German Friend 21 YRS OLD 614 316 2654 - 20
(columbus ohio)
(¯`'+ ** BEAUTIFUL HOTT SEXXY MOM!! ** + '´¯) (¯`'+ ABSOLUTELY + '´¯) (¯`.¸+ A DREAM COME TRUE+ '´¯) - 30
(Columbus, Incall)
👑👸🏻 BeAuTiFuL • BuStY • PeTiTe 🔥💋 H_O_T_T_i_E 👠✔️ AvAiLaBle NOW 💣👀 CALLERS ONLY 614-390-9522 🍌💦💋 - 21
(Columbus, 👑🏩 East side nice hotel ✔️ 💗💓💗)
☆★☆★☆B E A U T I F U L ★☆★☆★WHiTEGiRL JENNIFER ☆★☆★☆A V A I L A B L E NoW ★☆★☆★ - 36
(Columbus, Westerville)
🎀💕🎀 💖 Available Now Up All Night Ms. Brittani Love 💖🎀💕🎀 25 - 25
(Columbus, ♥ INCALL/OUTCALL ♥ close to airport)
Asia Illneiceah ....... Rare Beauty, The Lady Boss, New & Fresh in the Industry Tonight - 22
(columbus area)
Beautiful Brittani, Short~Sweet~& Petite. ~Sexi Blonde seeking some realy hot fun~ - 21
(Columbus, East side/ 270 & E.Main St.)
ATTENTION)!!! 💖 💦TrUe FrE@K👅💦 Best L👀KING*★* 💖👠 uoscale★ ✔BEST SpECiAiLS!! ☎☎CaLL NOW - 25
🌺—————— ❤▐▃❤▐▃ ❤▐▃❤▐▃ Asian Paradise ◆🌺—————— ❤▐▃❤▐▃ —————— 💯 F☰U☰N☰—— ——❤▐▃❤▐▃ —650-278-3330 - 20
(Columbus, Colunmbus Grove City🌺e veryting for you)
Are you ready for some hot AMAZING Fun..For A Great Price:)) - 21
(Columbus, Your Place Or Mines....)
Amber is waiting to pull Ur early bird special out of the goody bag;call now,see what ur special is! - 25
(Polaris), seductive sweetheart waiting to fill your Valentines with fun me! - 30
(Columbus, south near high st)
💙A.M SPECIals 💕DOnT Miss This Jet🚀✨🚀⭐⭐⭐🎵CoMe Play💕💙 CAll NoW▒ 💚 614💜288💙1243💙💙 - 22
(Columbus, East InCall Only)
Angel available all day!! Weekend specials. $50$ quick 614-984-8314 - 19
(Columbus, west/ hilliard rome)
Are you looking for a thick girl? Call Madison she does outcall only! Updated number - 26
(North Columbus)
ANIYIA ...New to BP... Beautiful Chocolate Treat ** 614-914-7353 ** 50$ Quick Fix Special - 23
(Columbus, West 70 @ Wilson)
Almost Famous!! 614-648 2034 Spring is here let's have some fun in the sun!!! 614 648 2034 - 26
(Columbus, north cols- private res.)
All-American, beautiful, CLASSY, REAL, petite beautiful girl 👸🏼💖💜🍭😋 (back in Hilliard today guys!!!) - 22
(Columbus, Hilliard)
~*~ All ~ Day ~ Specials ~*~ *DaNiElLe FoXx* ~*~ All ~ Day ~ Specials ~*~ - 22
(Columbus, Incall*Outcall)
*** & Willing To Keep Going & Going ********* Toys* Fetishes* Reverse Role* Showers * bi-lingual - 42
(Columbus, NORTH East & Willing to travel)
.•*¨¨*•- :¦:-•* A:L:L N:A:T:U:R:A:L *•-: ¦ :-•*¨¨*•. INDEPENDENT*•-: ¦ :-•*¨¨*• & SEXY*:COMPANION• - - 24
♥ Nikki && Tasty Tiffany -- One or Both -- Have It Your Way ♥ - 21
(Columbus, Columbus Incall Outcall)
☆ AiM 2 pl∈AS∈! ☆° ♚* §K¡LL€D L¡P§ & T¡GHT GR¡P§ *♚* H◯T ⇉ SpEcialS✿•௵Caℓℓ Mє ✪ αvαiℓabℓε ➜N0W ★ - 24
(Columbus, (😘 READ AD 😘 ) 614*500*1596 $60 Out Spc)